

单词 ฝ่าพระบาท
释义 [royal use only — second person singular pronoun used to address:the royal family member with the royal titleพระเจ้าวรวงศ์เธอ(Pra Jao Worawong Ther) who is not in charge of any of the Thai government department (ทรงกรม);the royal sub-family member (พระอนุวงศ์) with the royal titleพระวรวงศ์เธอ(Pra Worawong Ther) who is in charge of a government department;the royal sub-family member with the royal title "Pra Worawong Ther" who are not in charge of any government department;a royal sub-family member with the royal titleหม่อมเจ้า(Mom Jao);] "You"
[王室的使用不过 - 第二人单数代名词过去一直向~演说:由于王室的名称王室成员? (?);王室的子家庭成员(?;由于王室的王室子家庭成员命名 Pra Worawong Ther 谁不是掌管任何的政府部门;由于王室的名称一个王室的子家庭成员?);] 你




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